Built on ~ Confidence, Independence, Nose & Desire​ ~


Vom Ridgeline Puppies are sold to hunting homes! No exception! If you are interested in owning a vom Ridgeline Drahthaar puppy, contact me so we may visit and answer all your question & concerns you may have regarding the Drahthaar Breed and testing requirements set by VDD-GNA. Also any expectations i may have as a Drahthaar Breeder / Kennel. I am very passionate about the Drahthaar Breed and take pride in our breeding program and our dogs!
Vom Ridgeline Puppies are top quality and will come with a Health Guarantee. I understand the financial & long term commitment you are looking at making and hope that you have done your homework or are doing it now.
When i place a puppy in your home it's a start to a long friendship.. I personally will be there to help with all the question you will have along the way...
I also highly recommend that you become a member of VDD-GNA Organization.
If you are interested in more information regarding current or future litter"s, our health guarantee please contact me I'd love to answer any question you have, Also check back soon for more updated information...
Expected March 2025
Color: Braun m. Abz DOB: 03/18/2017
Zb-Nr: 234447
ZR Nr : 007/17
Form/ Hair - 11/10 Height/ Length - 64/64
VJP- 72
HZP- 190
Hegewald - 212
VGP - 1 prize 330
HD (A) frei, OCD frei ED frei vWD Ped. frei, Furnishings-(F f )

Vom Teuberschlag

Vom Ridgeline
Color: Brsch DOB: 07/04/2020
Zb-Nr: 244519
ZR Nr : pending
Form/ Hair 10/10 Height/ Length 60/60
VJP-72 (11-Rabbit Track)
HZP-191 (12- Duck Search)
HD (A) frei, OCD frei, vWD Ped. frei,​ Furnishings-(FF)