Built on ~ Confidence, Independence, Nose & Desire​ ~
" My name is Roger Kynaston... My wife and I are the owners and full time trainers here at vom Ridgeline.
Our passion and lifestyle is based around our dog's. The opportunity we have to own, breed, train and work the Drahthaar breed full time has given us an advantage of better understanding temperaments, trainability, desire, coat, confirmation, etc. Successfully breeding top quality Drahthaar's and building a balanced champion, great hunting partner & family dog. Our willingness to learn, improve and educate our clients have been key in our success with our breeding training and testing programs. Our continued success comes after the success of our client's and puppy buyer's. Hunting, fishing, camping or hiking trail's with our family is what we love to do.... As a young kid, my free time was spent hunting the fields or sitting in a goose blind waiting for the opportunity to harvest a bird. As a father I've continue these same passions & goals with my children. I believe it is very important that we spend time as a family. I also believe that its our responsibility to teach our children about the outdoors, nature, wildlife and the importance they all have. As you will see on my page my family (wife & children) are very involved in not only handling our dogs but also learning how to work the dogs and producing a great companion's and life time hunting partners. "
vom Ridgeline is a registered Drahthaar kennel of Group North America (GNA​) of Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar (VDD) Breed Association in Germany. Vom Ridgeline is also a full-time gun dog training facility located at the base of the high Uintah Mountains in
Altamont, Utah...
The Drahthaar Breed....
I was amazed when I was introduced to the Drahthaar breed! "One dog that can and will do it all"... Drahthaar's have a switch (as it is called) they know when to put their nose to the ground, hunt and hold a solid point. Put their nose to the ground, track and retrieve fur game. Or sit in a goose blind for hours with high levels of excitement and drive and do it flawless. The Drahthaar breed is in my opinion the ultimate hunting dog, they also become part of your family!
They want to please.... and be involved in everything you do.
Our goal at vom Ridgeline is to continue to produce the ultimate versatile hunting dog with great temperament, confidence, independence, nose, desire and willingness to please and perform. The Dog that will do it all from retrieving waterfowl, point and retrieve upland birds! Track and recover lost or wounded game from birds, fur game to big game animals and blood tracking our dogs are expected to do it all. At the end of the day they switch and become part of the family sitting next to you by the fire and play with your young children. We work hard and take pride in our breeding program and dogs! While continuing to help our buyer's with the success of their puppies..
We breed and test according to the rules and regulations set by the VDD.
Contact us and schedule a time to come and visit our dogs and see them at work doing what they love to do.... The Drahthaar breed may not be for everyone! It has been said best that these dog's are hunting machines and not meant to sit in a kennel and only hunt five days a year.
" They will give you their all... If you will give them the opportunity."
Waterfowl Hunting
Waterfowl hunting is one of my biggest passions in life. Up before the rest of the world, setting decoys by headlamp. After the work is done sitting in a blind next to some of my most treasured things in life... My wife, children, buddies and my DOG, a cup of hot coffee. Watching the sunrise and the rest of the world wake up. Our Drahthaar's share this same passion. They sit in their blind and watch the sky for a flocks of birds with a calm but excited peace about them waiting for the shots to ring and the call for retrieve.
Upland Game Birds
Our Drahtharr's perform multiple task during a hunting trip. From hunting Quail in the brush & cactus to chasing chukars in the rocks or pushing their way through the thickest cattails and reeds to produce a Roster Pheasant. Confidence, Independence, nose and desire is key in a great upland birddog...... .
Furr / Blood Tracking
Our Drahthaar's are also trained & tested on Furr game and blood tracking.
Game Recovery Services
vom Ridgeline dogs are trained in blood tracking. We can help located your lost or wounded game animals. If you are like the rest of us and spend many years putting in for that once in a lifetime hunt. Finally draw your tag, spend months on the mountain scouting for MR. Big just to watch him run over the ridgeline with your arrow or bullet in him. Spending countless hours trying to find that next drop of blood. Contact us we may be able to help recover your trophy!
Hunting Companions
Our Drahthaar's are not only hunting and tracking machines they are our companions in many activities we do. From camping, fishing, horn hunting, hiking, going on walks or just sitting around the fire pit or under a shade tree relaxing. They are part of the family and want to spend time hanging out with us. But never under estimate them! When it's time to go to work and the tailgate drops there is nothing they can't do or find!